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2 minutes
Dear Lara, I Found Out That My Wife Of 9 Years Was My Landlord
Question: I am a middle-aged man of average means. About 5 years ago, my wife kept urging us to move out of our flat to a different area due to flooding in our area. After looking around together with an agent she got, she insisted on a particular flat in Magodo which, though slightly more affordable than the other options at the time, was not my preferred choice as it was farther from our offices than my preferred option. I wouldn’t consider myself a debtor and I usually paid previous rents relatively promptly. Since we moved to the new place however, she always gave constant reminders once ...Continue Reading
2 minutes
Dear Lara, I Met This Lady, But Like Her Friend More
Question: I recently met a nice lady, Lily, and she subsequently brought her friend, Rose, along when we hungout. During the course of the day and subsequent interactions with them however, I realized I had a lot more in common with Rose, and am now more attracted to her. How do I proceed without hurting Lily’s feelings, and also without missing a potential life mate in Rose. – A tale of two ladies Answer: This is a dicey one, as hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially considering the two ladies are friends. Eventually however, the points to consider are; 1) How close they bo...Continue Reading
4 minutes